Web Requirement User Role 1. Admin 2. User (Member & Executive Member) 3. Customer - 5% from each purchase will auto go to RS0001(Mr Khairil) e-wallet - Customer can purchase all the item in website - If customer buy Combo product -> There will be an email send to customer asking rather want to be Member or not - If customer click link -> it will redirect to member registration page (By default will register under user RS0001 which is Mr Khairil) - After successfully be a Member (Ali), to upgarde to Executive Member..Ali have to share his referral link to new prospect for example to Abu - If new prospect (Abu) successfully register under Ali and buy, then Ali will auto be Executive Member - If Ali share his shop link to any customer, he will get 10% comission for each purchase by the customer that use his link. The comission will go into Ali e-wallet - If Abu share his shop link to any customer, he will get 10% comission , and his upline which is Ali will get 5% for each purchase by the customer that use Abu link. The comission will go into Ali e-wallet - Each Executive Member can do withdrawal to their own Bank Account - Customer boleh ble 35 95 20 Ali Abu (95) Ashraf (5%) Khairil (10%) Ali (RM 20) Abu (RM 95) Pada mulanya..Abu adalah customer biasa yang beli dengan RM 95.. - so Ali akan dapat RM 20 - Khairil 10% - Ashraf 5% Selepas Abu jadi member..dia akan beli dengan harga RM 75 - so Ali akan dapat 10% - Khairil 5% - Ashraf tak dapat apa2 Abu akan purchase dgn harga RM (75) selepas jadi ahli and the Ali akan dapat 10% Khairil akan dpat 5% dan Ashraf tk dapat apa2